The Downtown Development Authority is proud to announce the Buy-A-Banner Program. The Buy-A-Banner will be featuring 30″x72″ tall pole banners placed on power poles beginning with installation on Main Street(hwy 27).
Banners will be sponsored by local businesses, 1 banner per business. Banners are 2 sided. All businesses choosing to sponsor pole banners must be businesses licensed in the city of Lafayette. All business names will use the same font & style and will be allowed 2 lines for their business name(as shown). No symbols or seals will be allowed. All banners must be approved by the DDA board. Banners will be installed on random poles on Main Street(businesses do not get to select banner location).
This banner design was prepared by the DDA committee and is based on the view of Lafayette from Skyland heights. No banners will be ordered until a minimum of 20 banners have been reserved and paid for by local businesses. Banner sponsorships will be $225 per business. This is not a fundraiser for the DDA, rather this is a project to add aesthetic appeal to the downtown area while helping to promote our local businesses. Banners & Banner installation hardware will be financed thru business sponsorships. Businesses choosing to sponsor a banner will be on the banner for 3 years. If the banners become damaged during this 3 year period, banners will be replaced at no cost to the businesses. Similar business sponsored pole banner programs are used in Statesboro, Georgia, Stillwater, Oklahoma and Urbana, Illinois just to name a few.
Additional pole banners will be added in the future with special event banners such as Freedom Fest, City Christmas Parade, Scare on the Square, etc. These special event banners will be financed thru Hotel/Motel Tax Funds. Due to the cost of pole banners & other tourism promotion only 1 special event banner will be added per year beginning with Freedom Fest banner this summer. Once all special event banners are ordered(over a span of 4 years) all banners will be on a rotating schedule as seen below.
Jan 1-Feb 28 General Pole Banner March 1-April 15 Easter Egg hunt Banner
April 16-May 30 General Pole Banner May 30-July 31 Freedom Fest Banner
Aug 1- Sep 30 General Pole Banner Oct 1-Nov 15 Scare on the Square Banner
Nov 15-12/31 Christmas Parade Banner
Businesses that are interested in sponsoring a banner should see any DDA member or email or just for questions.