Upload failed. Please upload a file larger than 100x100 pixels; We are experiencing some problems, please try again. You can only upload files of type PNG, JPG, or JPEG., telephone number to contact the emergency services. This page was last edited on 21 March 2019, at 18:06. All structured data from the main, property and lexeme namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; text in the other namespaces is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply., Номер первого телефона? Tradução. O primeiro número de telefone? sendo traduzido, aguarde.., Nomer-telefona.ru is tracked by us since July, 2015. Over the time it has been ranked as high as 11 890 799 in the world. It was hosted by russian department of iPipe.. Nomer-telefona has the lowest Google pagerank and bad results in terms of Yandex topical citation index., , .