Up to the early 1960s, the Central State Museum of Musical Culture was located in the Conservatory. Then it was relocated to the “Palaty Troekurovykh” (the Troekurovs' Palazzo), a heritage-listed building constructed in the 17th century in Georgievsky Pereulok. In the early 1980s, the Museum moved to Fadeeva Street, to a building specially constructed for it as per the design of architect Joseph Loveyko. The new premises enabled the Museum to set up a new permanent exposition of musical instruments of the world and to start hosting regular concerts and exhibitions, museum collections, clubs, and subscription events for children and adults. , Вторник, среда, суббота, воскресенье с 11.00 Четверг, пятница с 12.00 . Кассы завершают продажу входных билетов на посещение экспозиций и выставок за полчаса до окончания времени работы экспозиций и выставок., Russian national Museum of music . Today, the Russian national Museum of music is an unparalleled treasury of musical culture heritage. It is the repository for a unique collection of musical and literary autograph manuscripts, research works on the history of culture, rare books, and printed music..