I didn't know that you … the work. Выберите один ответ: already did have already done had already done would already do 2)Заполните пропуски в предложении. I knew they … for me at the metro station. Выберите один ответ: would wait will have waited would be waiting will wait 3)В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно? The boys said, "This is our book." Выберите один ответ: The boys said that this was our book. The boys said that that was our book. The boys said that that was their book. The boys said that this is our book. 4)В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно? Our friends said, "We have just arrived." Выберите один ответ: Our friends said that they have just arrived. Our friends said that we had just arrived. Our friends said that they had just arrived. Our friends said that we have just arrived. 5)Заполните пропуски в предложении. She asked me if I … our English teacher. Выберите один ответ: remembered had remembered will remember remember Заполните пропуски в предложении. 6) She said she … tell me the right time, her watch … wrong. Выберите один ответ: can, is would not can, were couldn’t, was cannot, is 7)Заполните пропуски в предложении. Ann said she … the book. Выберите один ответ: has already read had already read will already read already read 8)Заполните пропуски в предложении. He says that he … that man. Выберите один ответ: knows has known would know had known 9)В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно? Nick said: "I won't tell it to anyone." Выберите один ответ: Nick said that I won't tell it to anyone. Nick said that he wouldn't tell it to anyone. Nick said that I wouldn't tell it to anyone. Nick 10)В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно? The boys said, "We are busy." Выберите один ответ: The boys said that we are busy. The boys said that he was busy. The boys said that they were busy. The boys said that we were busy.said that he won't tell it to anyone. 11)В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно? Ann said, "I woke up early." Выберите один ответ: Ann said that she woke up early. Ann said that she had woken up early. Ann said that I woke up early. Ann said that I had woken up early. 12)В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно? Ann said, "I don't know where my shoes are." Выберите один ответ: Ann said that she didn't know where her shoes are. Ann said that she didn't know where her shoes were. Ann said that I don't know where my shoes are. Ann said that I didn't know where my shoes are. 13)Заполните пропуски в предложении. I understood why he … the previous evening. Выберите один ответ: would not come didn’t come has not come hadn’t come 14)В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно? I said, "I am writing a test." Выберите один ответ: I said that you were writing a test. I said that I am writing a test. I said that you are writing a test. I said that I was writing a test. 15)В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно? You said, "I will do it for him." Выберите один ответ: You said that you would do it for him. You said that I was do it for him. You said that I would do it for him. You said that I will do it for him. 16)Заполните пропуски в предложении. He said that his friend … the next week. Выберите один ответ: came would come will come had come 17)В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно? The man said, "I will clean the car." Выберите один ответ: The man said that I will clean the car. The men said that I would clean the car. The man said that he would clean the car. The men said that he will clean the car. 18)В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно? Ann said, "I am reading." Выберите один ответ: Ann said that she was reading. Ann said that she reads. Ann said that I was reading. Ann said that I am reading. 19)В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно? The man said, "I will clean the car." Выберите один ответ: The man said that he would clean the car. The man said that I would clean the car. The man said that he will clean the car. The man said that I will clean the car. 20)В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно? The boys said, "This is our book." Выберите один ответ: The boys said that that was our book. The boys said that this was our book. The boys said that it was their book. The boys said that this is our book., Вы находитесь на странице вопроса "1)Восстановить правильный порядок слов в следующих предложениях:", категории "английский язык". Данный вопрос относится к разделу "10-11" классов. Здесь вы , -восстановить порядок наводить порядок Примеры Restore Constitutional Order в предложении тем чтобы помочь как можно скорее восстановить конституционный порядок в стране..