Жить любя одну ТЕБЯ, НАВСЕГДА.Перевод текста песни - Вечная любовь (на русском)Eternal love, We have been faithful to her but the time is bad for my memory, The more days - deeper wound in it. All the words of love In the exhausted hearts Merged into one a legend without the end. How to kiss And it lasts a long time I couldn't have gotten, goodbye forever But to see God hope, waiting for will see again this my love. And I will give the oath again. Eternal love all drained to the bottom and the only way out leads through the hell of it, bypassing the darkness and the fog, fog, deception. All the words of love crazy coaster hearts. Your words and tears finally shelter for all already lived pleasures. Dawn dawn and in the darkness of night die, leave, but then will come alive and all will return blissful summer heat eternal summer heat. To live loving YOU FOREVER.Просмотры: 2947Популярные тексты песен и переводы ШАРЛЬ АЗНАВУРПоделись с друзьямиВ блоге:На форуме:, Mix - Песня из фильма "Тегеран 43","Вечная любовь"Ш.Азнавур YouTube Военные песни. На безымянной высоте (кадры , Арам Хачатурян - Вальс из кф Маскарад HD - Duration: 3:33. SeMa Semimal 7,680,495 views.