Event in Kyiv, Ukraine by Школа Здоровья Алёны Бурдейной on Wednesday, June 10 20157 posts in the discussion., The European School of Osteopathy’s world-class reputation for the high quality of osteopathic education available at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels has been achieved through hard work, professionalism and dedication., At the Brussels Summit in July 2018, Allies invited the Republic of North Macedonia to begin accession talks to join NATO. Key areas of cooperation include democratic, institutional, security sector and defence reforms. The country actively supports the NATO-led missions in Afghanistan and Kosovo., Strengthening the Integrity of the Judiciary Introduction. A serious impediment to the success of any anti-corruption strategy is a corrupt judiciary. An ethically compromised judiciary means that the legal and institutional mechanism designed to curb corruption, however well-targeted, efficient or honest, remains crippled., The Summer School broadly addresses the theme of ‘Europe and the World’, which builds upon the academic strengths of the Brussels School of International Studies. This programme attracts students and young professionals who wish to broaden their knowledge of the EU. Over a period of two weeks, students participate in a series of guest , Cancers are one of the main causes of death worldwide. Their incidence is on the rise, mainly due to an increase in people’s lifespan and changes in lifestyle. The IAEA contributes nuclear techniques to the fight against cancer..