Сообщение успешно отправлено ×, Kuopio in pictures – Four seasons / Kuopio kuvina - Neljä vuodenaikaa. 4 years ago. KuopioKanava PRO. Follow. Download. Share. Kuopio, Finland Tuotanto: Kuopion kaupunki 2014 Toteutus: Raimo Pesonen Kuvista pääosa Soile Nevalaisen, Vicente Serran ja Raimo Pesosen kuvaamia., We use cookies to personalise your experience and analyse traffic to this site. Information about your use of our site is shared with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that you´ve provided to them or that they´ve collected from your use of their services., OLYMPIADS IN INFORMATICS is a refereed scholarly journal that provides an international forum for presenting research and developments in the specific scope of teaching and learning informatics through olympiads and other competitions. The journal is focused on the research and practice of professionals who are working in the field of teaching , 301 Moved Permanently. nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu), An exploration into Iterated Function Systems. I really enjoyed writing this one, not only due to the mathematics involved, but the elegance in that such a complex graphic may be encoded using a few simple rules..