Freedom Festival Banners

We are proud to announce the 2nd banner in our rotating banner schedule: Freedom Festival. The Downtown Development Authority began the Buy-A-Banner program in early 2014. The first banners were business sponsored and are known as the general pole banners. Over 22 banners were sponsored and were placed the 1st week of May 2014.  We are developing a rotating banner schedule with the general pole banner(business sponsored), Freedom Festival, Scare on the Square, Christmas Parade, etc with the idea being to change the seasonal banners every 2 months. It will take several years to complete the rotating banner schedule due to banner costs.

The general banners were business sponsored at a cost of $225 per banner, and we are taking orders for the next set of 20. All other banners are special event (aka: Freedom Festival) and will be funded thru hotel/motel tax funds as promotion.

The Freedom Festival banners were designed by MOSCA who produced the 1st set of banners. These banners were approved by City Council in April 2014. These banners will be placed around mid June and will be displayed until early August, when the general banners will be reinstalled.

City of LaFayette GA mockup 4-15-14